MAVV Museo dell'Arte, del Vino, e della Vite (The Grapevine, Wine and Art Museum) is a cultural institution which offers an exclusive Wine Experience through a multimedia and interactive exhibition about vine culture. It is a creative space to visit, named Wine Art Museum, which, in the bond between tradition and innovation, adds value to the local enogastronomic excellences with their cultural heritage, encouraging experiential travel. The visit offers a wine's world narration structured in thematic areas: from mythology to oenology; from the bud to the brunch of grapes; from the brunch of grapes to the bottle; from the bottle to the glass; Creative Direction; Laboratory for Conscious Drinking. The museum exhibition is hosted by the Department of Agriculture and the MUSA Centre of the Naples University Federico II, in the prestigious Royal Palace of Portici, along the rather famous path of the Golden Mile, which extends along the Coast of Mount Vesuvius, between Naples, Ercolano and Pompeii. Through events, which are in the name of taste and beauty, we connect the world of the nectar of the Gods to the visual arts, music, science, history and archaeology. Ours it's a creative hub which launched, as a new format related to a festival, the Wine Art Fest, which produces and organizes, both at the Royal Palace of Portici and in the locations of myth and of the local Italian excellences, events and shows about the bond between history, art, music and wine. Moreover, through the prize contests In Vino Veritas, Wine Art Contest and GreenPrix, dedicated to art, innovation and to sustainability of the wine industry, food & wine tourism and of the creative industry, we celebrate the successes of the Made in Italy with its protagonists through a euromediterranean and international dimension. With the laboratories Creative Direction we offer young artists the opportunity to perform, exhibit and be awarded in our contests. We conduct projects about cultural, sustainable tourism and experiential travel. Through the Academy, we carry on training, didactic and orientation activities for study and job. Through the laboratories School and Lab, we support the social campaign Bere Consapevole (Conscious Drinking),, and involve the youth and education. The activities and projects to drink healthy, responsibly and consciously are developed in collaboration with the UNESCO Chair on Health Education and Sustainable Development.
